Guidelines for Authors
- Submission Guidelines
1.1. The journal accepts original submissions only. Manuscripts are not accepted if they have been previously published elsewhere.
1.2. The recommended length of contributions is from 16-30,000 symbols including spaces.
1.3. Manuscripts may be submitted in one of the following languages: Russian, English, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish.
1.3. Submissions, which follow the journal’s submission guidelines, should be emailed as a .doc or .rtf file to (and as a printed version if required).
1.4. Abstracts (200 – 250 words) in Russian and English as well as keywords in Russian and English should be sent as a separate file. The English version must have the title of the article, the author’s last name and initials.
1.5. Contributions are reviewed according to the Reviewing Guidelines.
1.6. Following a rigid process of review, the editorial board makes the final decision to accept or reject a manuscript for publication.
1.7. Authors of accepted manuscripts provide a licensing agreement for the rights to use the submitted text.
1.8. There is no charge to publish in the journal.
- Main Formatting Guidelines
2.1. Manuscripts complying with the submission guidelines should be sent to as a .doc or .rtf file (and as a printed version if required).
2.2. Font size 12, spaced 1.5, font color black, all margins 25 mm, centered, size А4 (210х297 mm).
2.3. The author’s first, middle and last name should be placed in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
2.4. Abstracts (150 – 250 words) in Russian and English as well as keywords in Russian and English should be sent as a separate file. The English version must have the title of the article, the author’s last name and initials.
2.5. The title of the paper should contain at least two keywords from the keyword list.
2.6. Examples should be given in italics; their translation equivalents in Russian or English should be put in single quotation marks or double quotation marks «». All examples must be translated: into Russian for manuscripts written in Russian and into English for manuscripts written in Danish, Dutch and Norwegian.
2.7. Footnotes should be used numbered sequentially throughout the whole text of the article. The same 1.5 interval should be applied to footnotes while the font size should be 10.
- Main Referencing Guidelines
3.1. Unnumbered references should be placed after the text in an alphabetical order. The list of Russian references should be have the title «Литература» and English references the title References.
3.2. The list of references in Russian (or in any other language accepted for publication in the journal) should be duplicated in English using the LC or BGN transliterations systems (for instructions go to Russian references should be translated and placed in square brackets.
Duplicated lists of references are required for submission to international information systems and databases in which the journal is indexed.
The English-language list of references, titled References, should follow the Russian-language list of references.
Examples of references in Russian and English:
Князев Ю. П. О семантике степеней сравнения прилагательных // Ученые записки Тартуского государственного университета. Вып. 524.
Проблема внутриструктурного и функционального описания языка: труды по русской и славянской филологии. XXXIIV. Тарту: Изд-во Тартуского ун-та, 1980. С. 68–85.
Ослосский корпус текстов [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
Русская грамматика: в 2 т / под ред. Н. Ю. Шведовой. Т. 2: Синтаксис. М.: Наука, 1981. 717 с.
Чекалина Е. М. Грамматика шведского языка. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1984.
Шеманаева О. Ю. Конструкции размера в типологической перспективе: Автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. М., 2008. 26 с.105 с.
Beckman N. Svensk spraklara for den hogre elementarundervisningen. Stockholm: Svenska Bokforlaget Bonniers, 1964. 318 s.
Svenska Akademiens grammatik. Del 4. Stockholm: Norstedts Ordbok, 2000. 977 s.
Wellander E. Riktig svenska. Stockholm: Svenska bokfo rlaget, 1948. XVI, 813 s.
Kniazev Iu.P. O semantike stepenei sravneniia prilagatel’nykh [About the Semantics of Degrees of Comparison in Adjectives]. Uchenye zapiski Tartusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 524. Problema vnutristrukturnogo i funktsional’nogo opisaniia iazyka: trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi fi lologii. XXXIIV [Scientifi c Papers of Tartu State University. Vol. 524. The Problem of Intrasystemic and Functional Description of Language: Writings on Russian and Slavic Philology. XXXIIV]. Tartu, Tartu Univ. Publ., 1980, s. 68–85.
Oslosskii korpus tekstov [Oslossky corpus]. URL:
Russkaia grammatika [Russian Grammar]. V 2 t [In 2 vol.]. Pod red. N.Iu. Shve dovoi [Chief-editor N.Iu. Shvedova]. T. 2 [Vol. 2]: Sintaksis [Syntax]. Moscow, Nauka, 1981, 717 s.
Chekalina E.M. Grammatika shvedskogo iazyka [Swedish Grammar]. Moscow, Mosk. Univ. Publ., 1984, 105 s.
Shemanaeva O.Iu. Konstruktsii razmera v tipologicheskoi perspektive: Avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk [Dimensional Constructions in the Typological Perspective. Author’s Abstract from the PhD Thesis]. Moscow, 2008, 26 s.
Beckman N. Svensk spraklara for den hogre elementarundervisningen [Swedish linguistics for the higher elementary teaching]. Stockholm, Svenska Bokforlaget Bonniers, 1964, 318 s.
Svenska Akademiens grammatik [Swedish Academy Grammar]. Del 4. [Part 4]. Stockholm, Norstedts Ordbok, 2000, 977 s.
Wellander E. Riktig svenska [Correct Swedish]. Stockholm, Svenska bokforlaget, 1948, XVI, 813 s.