In the “Naive Mythology” of Dutch people is their own nation — a collective image of the name Jan, presented in the language in the form of 74-combinations and expressions to a greater or lesser extent, have fallen into the category of common nouns. Analysis of distributive restriction of Dutch proper name Jan , who became a common name and is used as an endonymmade it possible to identify structure-forming elements of Dutch culture, as well as to trace the evolution of some of them in the process of historical development. It found out that the reporting endonym contains
two nuclear semes: “regular guy”, “mean level”. All other combinations are formed mainly on the model of Jan + fictitious surname. From the point of view of semantics model “above the norm” does not appear in the Dutch language, which is explained by the desire of a Dutchman to be “one of the all”; “below normal level” model shows a wide variety of variations in the value of “simpleton”. Analysis of the combination of a proper name Jan will demonstrate the linguistic structure-tightness values of Dutch culture, such as the pursuit of equality and equity, moderation in all things, the lack of authority and heroes, the ability to take care of yourself in any situation. The presence of such rich material expressions with one key lexeme shows that such “key concepts” have a remarkable property attract to each other, and often appear in the texts beside each other.